How it works?

How it works?
Set up your account:
Register on the website, for free
Tell us what your preferences are, what the destination of the trip is, what type of trip, and we will find the right FunGuide for you to plan your tailor-made trip itinerary.

Meet you FunGuide(Planner):
Pick your FunGuide from those that the platform presented to you.
Chat with your FunGuide in real time and online, through the platform.
Patiently answer the FunGuide's questions, so that he can plan a tailor-made, unique, and experiential trip itinerary for you.

Pay and receive the itinerary:
Choosing the payment method, for planning the trip itinerary by the FunGuide you chose.
The charge will be made only after receiving confirmation, upon receipt of the planning file.